
More about Pluriform


The Pluriform subscriber portal enables you to submit ideas, questions, incidents and even entire business, which are then answered online or picked up and handled in consultation with your Pluriform partner, and if necessary together with us.

Giving feedback is fully integrated into Pluriform. Both the Windows- and Web client of Pluriform have a feedback optionon integrated each screen to enable users easily submit their ideas, questions or incidents to us. Through the subscriber portal - which is available on all Pluriform Windows clients - you can follow the status of your feedback.

The subscriber portal also gives an overview of all clients and servers in your infrastructure, the use of your Pluriform system and invoices. You can also subscribe to participate in the innovation release, in which you periodically (weekly or monthly) receive a pre-release (PluriNova) with all newly developed functionalities.

If you are use a Pluriform (windows) client, you can navigate to the Subscriber portal by clicking on the subscriber portal tab. The portal is also accessible via the direct link:

Gepubliceerd op: 1 April, 2014
Powered by: Pluriform Software