Pluriform Care
Pluriform Care is a company-wide information system that we have developed together with our partner Adapcare for the sectors home care, housing and daily activities, care equipment and care supply chain. All functionality is built and improved step by step in practice of care organisations.
For years Pluriform Care is our fastest growing Pluriform web application. Care professionals require ten times less time for their administration by using Pluriform care. Despite this great achievement - with and for Opella in 2010 - NOS and V & VN had to expose the gigantic high registration burden the care sector in the Netherlands again.
Give mandate to the professionals themselves, do more with less, with Pluriform
A manageable, evolutionary growing, patient oriented care system is desperately needed across the public sector and - as we show every day - can be quickly and easily implemented. In practice, almost no organisation dares to start on this endeavour because many IT projects fail due to the use of ever new consultants, civil servants, politicians and commissions. Patients and professionals should join hands together to get started ..
Faster, better, cheaper
One of our first web application we ever built was the Pluriform Patient Monitoring System (PVS). PVS was created together with the University of Tilburg for ZMBR to solve the so-called wrong bed problem more than ten years ago. CVA patients - recovering from a stroke - could go from the hospital to a rehabilitation center. This resulted in faster, better rehabilitation and huge cost savings! Hereafter we enhanced this model for all patient transfers from hospital to home care institution.
The PVS system was used in six regions, but the obvious and needed expansion failed to get approved. We fought constantly against 'old automation specialists"of the institutions that thought they could it themselves or had to wait for policy to come out of the House of Representatives or Nictiz (EPD, LSP, EMD etc.)..
Building, Infrastructure and Installation
In 2004 BouwInfosys introduced the successful Pluriform applications for the Installation-, Building- and Infrastructure-sectors. The founders of BouwInfosys - Pluriform Partners - Ron Panhuizen and Maarten Janssen experienced first how fast one can build a specific businessmodel on top of PluriformBase.Toghether with their sector experts we built three models in a short time for Building, Infrastructure (road construction and marine egineering) and the Installation sector.
A dynamic sector with increasing administrative burdens in which many processes intersect. Pluriform Works offers a flexible solution that provides the information and ability to operate your company in a modern way. Users have tools that enable them to work easily, and managers have the right information at the right time in order to support decisions.
The quality of Pluriform Works and BouwInfosys is evident from the fact that - even when the crisis hit and the building sector was hit hard - the number of subscribers Pluriform Works steadily continued to grow!
Pluriform Charity
In 2003 Theo Kranendonk founded Matthat Software to develop Pluriform for Charities: enterprise-wide functionality, standard suitable for different types of organizations in the charity sector:
• Fundraising Organizations
• Capital Funds
• Youth Organizations
• Health Funds
• Religious Authorities
• Associations and NGOs
The Pluriform solution of Matthat Software is unique in offering integrated, industry-wide and manageable extensible functionality. Read more...
Euler Hermes credit insurance
One of the first Pluriform models created for Royal Crediet Verzekering now part of the world's largest credit insurer Euler Hermes, part of Allianz.
Growing with changes
The original Pluriform model (created by Ad den Hengst and Paul Overeem in 1992) supported the entire credit process. For over 20 years this system is growing (and shrinking) along with the frequent (and often large) changes: new insurance policy types, joint venture with Interpolis, real time risk information from Paris, linking financial administration (first with Oracle later SAP). Working processes have been and still are (in each case) updated in Pluriform: in a short timespan, at low cost.
• 2001 adapted for the Euro, linkage to Oracle Financial in Paris
• 2002 multilingual rolled out to three countries, Euler Hermes (now > 30)
• 2007 communication with the SAP Finance in Paris
Manageable, scalable, low cost
Because the information supply on Euler NL stood out, Euler Hermes chose Pluriform for dozens of other countries, for the following reasons:
• Pluriform offered much more functionality than other systems,
• Pluriform is multilingual and rapidly adaptable to local situations,
• Pluriform is coupled with Group systems in Paris (including IRP, SAP)
• Pluriform can be controllable and managed with a small team,
• Pluriform is robust with low cost infrastructure standard.
Safety Houses PIX
On the initiative of chief prosecutor mr. Roger Bos we build a case consultation system in 2005 in collaboration with the police and the city of Den Bosch. Together with professionals from partner organizations who worked in the safe houses Pluriform PIX emerged. The driving force from the Den Bosch district was Andre Lucassen.
Impressive results
Pluriform PIX started and was put into use at more and more safe houses to support case consultations, establish agreements and to monitor results and follow-up. PIX also made the chain results more transparent. The minister called the results impressive. We were also happy with these results at the safe houses.
Bureaucracy blocks PIX
However, completely unjustified! In early 2010 the public prosecutions department
launched a multimillion-devouring whole new national system for safe houses (GCOS). Years before the prosecution department appeared to have decided to stop further expansion of PIX and even block the necessary periodic maintenance. The presecutions deportament also refused to take into use the requisted (and paid for) new management reporting module by the city of Den Bosch. PIX could have been easily used for all safe houses, but they had not even looked at this solution.
The safe houses were then saddled with a - marketed as 'free' - case-consultation system. They started with a link to the Municipal Administration (which was possible already for years with PIX). Later versions would have supported coupling with legal systems..

Other sectors?
On top of the broadly usable functionality of PluriformBase we can - with the help of your domain expertise - build very fast and continously improvable, a specific businnesmodel for your sector.