
More about Pluriform

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Do you have to wait long before an adjustment on your system has been arranged? Not with Pluriform. Our innovation participants can choose to update Pluriform to the newest version with the latest functionality and customizations each day or week or month.

Pluriform combines the advantages of standard software (predictable delivery, high quality and low cost) with the benefits of customization (tailored to your business). These advantages are offered in the construction of a new (sub) system, but also throughout the many years of use.

We take the primary work processes always as a starting point and capturing your need with proven building blocks from Pluriform Base. This crude model we planing -in interaction with your professionals- to the proper functionality is attained. Even when you using the system, you can use - approachable, at your own pace (this week, next quarter or year) - other modules that are added continuously with our partners / subscribers and Pluriform Community, expanded and refined.

Gepubliceerd op: 15 December, 2014
Powered by: Pluriform Software