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Stichting Kinderpostzegels selects Pluriform

Stichting Kinderpostzegels selects partner Matthat Software for IT-support of the annual Kinderpostzegels Actie with Pluriform Charities.

With a signature settle from Theo Kranendonk -director at Matthat Software- and Ilja van Haaren -director at Stichting Kinderpostzegels- the start of an intensive collaboration. The aim of this partnership is to offer the successful Kinderpostzegels Actie with IT support from Pluriform Charities.

Quote from Ilja van Haaren:
"We are pleased with the conclusion of this contract with Matthat Software. In Matthat we have found a partner with extensive knowledge in Charity, they already developed and implemented software for other organizations. This experience and the use of proven and shared technology has determined the choice for Matthat Software."

Quote from Theo Kranendonk:
"We are especially proud that Matthat Software has gained the confidence of Kinderpostzegels to support the Kinderpostzegels Actie with Pluriform Software. A foundation dedicated to the development of vulnerable children around the world. With our IT services, we ensure that Stichting Kinderpostzegels can perform its operations smoothly and efficiently."

Gepubliceerd op: 1 June, 2015
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