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Heezen BV from Eindhoven chooses PluriformWorks

We are very proud that Heezen BV - after an extensive selection - has made the choice to start working with Pluriform InfraWorks.
The switch to the Pluriform Works will ensure that work can be done more efficiently. For example, Heezen BV will also calculate with PluriformWorks and employees outside (including the building contractors) will also have access to the same (Pluriform) system.

Heezen BV is a Dutch family-owned company from Eindhoven with 9 operating companies and almost 200 employees. Together they carry out demolition, renovation and redevelopment projects.
Pluriform InfraWorks is supplied by our industry partner BouwInfosys.

Gepubliceerd op: 25 June, 2018
Powered by: Pluriform Software